Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Gem Experimenting!

Hey lovelies!!

So I recently got a few gem wheels on Amazon, and I've been playing around with them & have a couple manis to show you! :)

So, keep in mind that neither of these are perfect, considering that A: my nail skills are a tad bit rusty and B: I've had a head cold and was hopped up on cold medicine when I did both of these LOL. Also C: These are shoddy iPhone camera pics, sorry. I'll be getting back into using my camera soon, I promise!

So here we go! :)

First Mani:
 I did a base coat of Sally Hansen Color Foil - Minted Metal (Which, btdubs, I am in looove with. but more on that in another upcoming post. ;) ) And a top coat of Zoya - Opal
Then I topped it off with some Sally Hansen - Diamond Shine and used the cute little silver triangle gems. I was going for sort of a mermaid-y type look. :)

Second Mani:

This one I'm very excited about. Mainly because that gorgeous pink is one of my lemmings that I finally found thanks to my awesome cousin hunting down a link for me. This is Zoya - Lolly (Which I will definitely be swatting on it's on for you soon, no worries.) with Zoya - Domiva on the accent nails. I realized that I couldn't get the little silver heart gems to stick with my matte top coat, (it dried too fast and would't stay tacky long enough for me to place them) So I ended up having to shine-ify it with the Diaomd Shine.
Which, I'm ok with. This mani didn't turn out perfectly how I saw it in my head, but I was still pretty in love with it and have had it on for almost  week now.

So there's my Adventures in Gems so far! I have a bunch more ideas, so stay tuned for that.

Have you guys ever tried gems? Let me know what you think in the comments! Personally, anything that I get to bedazzle is A-OK in my book. ;)

Seeya next time lovelies! :)

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

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